Sunflowur Gardeen


Sunflowur Gardeen is a promising idea for a future music band that emerged from the unlikely connection between C0de and Daika. Their story begins in July 2023 when these two met in a group of virtual friends on the internet. Initially, they only shared informal conversations, but as time passed, a genuine friendship began to blossom.

What brought these two musicians together was their passion for music and their mutual desire to make a difference in people's lives through their compositions. They both had an undeniable talent and a shared vision of creating music that could touch the hearts and souls of those who heard it.

The idea behind the band Sunflowur Gardeen is to reflect optimism and energy, similar to a sunflower rising towards the sunlight. This represents the search for growth, beauty, and vitality in the music they wish to create.

Initially, the band was conceived as a project related to one of C0de's games, intended to represent the game's soundtrack. However, as he continued to work and develop his unique sound, he realized that Sunflowur Gardeen had the potential to become something much greater. The musical chemistry between C0de and Daika became evident, and they soon began to conceive original songs that transcended their original purpose.

Although the band has not yet been formed and remains a project in development, C0de expressed their commitment to continue working on the Sunflowur Gardeen concept, even if Daika and the other two members, whose names have not yet been revealed, are temporarily unavailable. This commitment demonstrates the dedication and passion that drives this ongoing musical journey.

about the two members

Sunflowur Gardeen represents friendship, a passion for music, and a promise to create meaningful music that resonates with audiences. The idea of its existence is inspiring, and we can't wait to see how this potential musical project develops in the future, offering a fresh and captivating sound that everyone can enjoy when it comes to life.

See you soon :3